Meet the all-new & groundbreaking...

Custom YouTube Video Player Software

Remove YouTube logo, titles, ads, related videos and enjoy unlimited video hosting free for life

Also Works for Vimeo, Amazon s3 & Self-Hosted MP4 Videos Plus You Can Build Interactive Video Funnels With It


Get Instant Access Now!

  • Unlimited ad-free hosting, storage & views
  • Remove YouTube restrictions & ads
  • Display call to actions in your videos
  • Enjoy 4 customizable & beautiful video player skins
  • Brand videos with your logo
  • Works with Vimeo, Amazon s3 & Self-Hosted Videos

Early Bird Access Ends Soon...

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All the benefits of Youtube WITHOUT all the limitations

Your videos stay hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or Amazon s3 Free. Embed the video in 4KPlayer and your audience can watch the video without distractions from YouTube ads, related videos, YouTube logo and all the limitations of a free video hosting.

There's NO CATCH - See Live Demo Below


Standard YouTube embed


YouTube video embedded using 4KPlayer
Looks good right? The 4KPlayer embed is looking very clean and profession

You'll play your YouTube videos using 4KPlayer and see them look like a million-bucks as if you're paying $129/month for professional business video hosting, this will make clients and website visitors trust your business more and buy from you.

We'll automatically remove all the things you hate about YouTube, no ads stealing your traffic, no YouTube logo redirecting your viewers, no stupid related videos distracting your viewers.

And lets not forget that you'll enjoy unlimited everything...
  • Unlimited Videos
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Views
  • ​Unlimited Bandwidth (who's counting)

More Reason to Choose 4KPlayer

4 Beautiful Video Skins

Multiple stunning & attractive themes you can choose from to make your videos pop

No more boring videos and ugly looking players.

When you embed your videos through 4KPlayer, you'll be able choose any of the 4 video player skin that best suits you. Each video player is 100% customizable with unlimited choice of colors.

Get creative and playful... we're here to make you look good.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Display Call to Actions on Your Videos

Make your videos profitable and get conversion easily

Now you'll be able to display call to action links inside your videos that are timed perfectly to when you're making pitch.

You can also display opt-in forms and collect leads inside your videos or simply redirect users to any website after the video edns.

You'll also be able to display your own branding logo on videos.

Use Even for Videos You Don't Own

Leverage contents belonging to others and profit

Just like taking someone else's cookie and savoring it, 4KPlayer allows you to leverage and repurpose other people's content and profit from it.

You don't have to own the video, you may not even own any video at all.

All you need is the link to any video you want then insert it to 4KPlayer and we'll do the rest... now, you'll never run out of content to share with your members/audience/subscribers. You can brand this video, put opt-in forms on it and use it to build your subscriber list without ever creating a single video.

*Fair-use policy & discretion is advised.

Customize Videos Your Way

Powerful and advanced video player customization settings

Customize your video player behavior and improve viewing experience, whether you want to auto-play video or start and end video at specific timestamps, it's your choice.

You can hide entire video play bar, disable pausing & mimic live streaming.
You can also set the video to auto-resume, auto-pause if viewer scrolls away or loop videos indefinitely, you have full control over how the video player behaves.

Powerful Video Privacy

Control who can you watch your videos... we give you YouTube videos better protection that YouTube ever will.

And this makes using 4KPlayer ideal for online courses, paid membership sites and more.

Domain Whitelisting
Lock your videos so it will only play on the specified domains you choose (eg: your membership site only).

Password Locking
Lock your videos with password and only those you invited & gave the password can unlock and watch the video.

Interactive Video Funnels Builder

Build dynamic & interactive video funnels that will skyrocket your conversions

Put your viewers in control of their experience. Let your viewer interact with your video, answer questions and make choices then use these choice to personalize the video for them in real-time.

Use case example: if you are selling a fitness class, in your sales video... you can ask the viewer "Are You A Man or A Woman?" then based on the answer of the viewer, you can them 

Interactive video outperforms normal video at every turn, it gets higher engagement, high watch time and highest sales conversions. With 4KPlayer, you'll transform ordinary videos into interactive funnels

Mimic Live Streaming

Drive video conversions through the roof with our live-like mimicker

People are conditioned to watch live videos and actually stay glued to their screens until it finishes... there's a real FOMO effect, you go for a bathroom break and you miss out the most important part, or you fail to tune in fast and you'll miss the whole show.

Social media apps and webinar event apps such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, TikTok, Twitter, GoToWebinar have already done the heavy lifting and social conditioning, now with 4KPlayer... you can profit from this rush effect.

Make your viewers feel like they’re watching a live streaming, an event or live webinar even though its just your regular ‘ol video.

Just 1-click to enable our live streaming mimicker, then hide the video play bar, and disable pausing then boom you're good to go... Easy stuff!

Nobody will be able to tell the difference, this will help you increase urgency, get more views and get more sales across your campaigns.

Simple one-time payment

If you're not satisfied, contact us within the first 14 days and we'll send you a full refund.

No upsells, no locked features... pay once and get access for life.

Choose Your Preferred License Now

NOTE: there's no option to upgrade or downgrade later so choose exactly the license you need

Your purchased today is 100% secured by our…


4KPlayer is still in beta and this a private opening for early bird access by our trusted users... we are confident that you'll love this new piece of software coming from us and if you encounter any technical issue, we'll fix it for you.

If we're not able to fix it for you or make you love this software then ask for refund with 14 days and we'll refund you immediately... we're confident you'll love this software.

Free "Premium" Video Hosting for Life

As a business owner or content creator creator who wants to take advantage of YouTube's free unlimited video hosting and enjoy it with all the benefits of a paid, premium video hosting platform, 4KPlayer is like a match made in heaven for you.

I want you to forget about the dynamic video funnels you can build with 4KPlayer, forget the beautiful video skins, the call to actions and all that for a minute and just focus on the real opportunity this new software presents you.

Video hosting is very costly, storage and bandwidth cost can blow a hole in your pocket.

But 4KPlayer changes all that, now you can host unlimited videos forever for free. You never have to worry about storage and bandwidth costs anymore. Keep your videos hosted 100% free on YouTube and use 4KPlayer to embed the videos on your website. We'll transform the videos and make it look like you're hosting them on a $299/month platform, overhaul with a new beautiful skin, remove Youtube logo & ads, brand it with your own logo, and give you lots of customizations for that premium feel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 4KPlayer A Video Hosting Software?
No, this is not a video hosting software, you can't upload videos directly here. We're a video player software which means we provide video player for your videos hosted on other platform such as YouTube, Vimeo, Adilo, Amazon s3, Self Hosted MP4 videos etc.
What Is Difference Between 4KPlayer & Adilo?
It's important to note that 4KPlayer is video player, you use it to play videos hosted by other video hosting platforms such as YouTube, Adilo, Amazon s3, Vimeo etc. it allows you to customize the video skin, controls etc. However Adilo is an actual video hosting platform that stores and streams your videos just like Vimeo.
I Already Have Adilo, Do I Need 4KPlayer?
Yes, you do... 2 of them are not the same. If you have videos on Vimeo, Youtube or self-hosted videos then you need 4KPlayer... it will allow you to play the video professionally. You can also use 4KPlayer to play videos hosted on Adilo, this will allow you to use 4KPlayer video skins on your Adilo video giving it style.
It also has amazing features not available in Adilo such as Live Stream Mimicker and Interactive Video Funnel Builder.
Is 4KPlayer Still In Beta or Public?
Yes, 4KPlayer just launched privately and still in beta... it will still take a couple months before we launch publicly. As a software in beta phase... you may see 1 or 2 kinks/issues (just as expected in a beta software) but don't worry, all you need to do is report it to, we have dedicated development team on this project that will fix it shortly.
How Can I Trust This 4KPlayer?
We're BigCommand, the same company behind Adilo Video Hosting platform with over 17,000 active users and counting right now... Adilo has been serving the business community for many years now, we're not going away... your investment with us is secured.
Is It Not Theft Using 4KPlayer to Leverage Other People's Video?
4KPlayer is designed for your own personal and commercial use. However if you decide to use this software on videos uploaded by others (repurposing 3rd party content), you're advised to apply fair-use on their content and be sure the content creator is not unhappy with that, most creators of educational and entertainment videos do not mind this but proprietary information creators may feel different. Discretion is advised, it's recommended you reach out to content creator to ensure they're okay with you doing this.
Will There Support & Future Updates?
Yes, this software is actively supported and it has an ongoing development team so expect a lot of new features and updates.
Can I Store My Videos inside 4KPlayer?
No, you can't... we don't offer video storage, this is strictly a video player software not a hosting platform.
Can I Use 4KPlayer on Videos I Don't Own?
Yes, you can.
Will Your Views Here Be Counted on YouTube?
No, it won't be counted on YouTube since you didn't use their player but we keep a video analytics of your video plays so you can quickly know how much views 4KPlayer has gotten for you on each video.

Got questions? Email:


This is to notify you that 4KPlayer is currently in beta stage and only available as an exclusive early bird access - invite only. If you notice any issues or you have recommendations on how to improve the software, send email to our team

When 4KPlayer is publicly launched, the price will be 3 - 4X of what we're selling it now, thanks for being among the early bird members that backed this project.

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